Back with another addition to Beauty Beyond Scars. It's my pleasure to introduce my dear friend, Bobby Thongkham. Bobby, aka CVSHXNLY, is an amazing cinematographer and Hip Hop artist. He was diagnosed with Liver Cancer earlier this year. It was a shock to many of his family and friends. I've had a few people in my life lose the battle to cancer; I couldn't fathom the possibility of losing Bobby.
During his time in the hospital, I wanted to cherish all the moments I had with him. I wanted to make him laugh in any way. I decided to not bring my camera, nor did I ever ask to photograph him while he was going through the surgery and tests.
Currently, he's winning his fight; going through chemo and monitoring any news of tumors over time! The photos below are all post-surgery. Bobby wanted to express his triumph. He is recovering, gaining strength, and on his way back to recovery.
This is his story:
"I never thought I might die young due to health issues, maybe being murdered or some kind of accident. The day I found out I had cancer was really weird. I think I was in shock and it didn’t hit me on how serious it was. When meeting with the doctors and learning about the extent of my cancer, how far along it was, I was just speechless. I never felt more alone in my life until that moment. Like, who’s going to help me? What happens if I die? What if I don’t die but I’m never the same again? Who’s going to take care of my parents? Just so many questions in my head. I would cry a lot at night alone, I couldn’t sleep."
"I remember when I was laid up in a hospital bed. All I can think about and wish for was to play one more game of basketball. The simple thing of just dribbling a ball, shooting it, and seeing it go in the basket. The one thing that brought me so much joy. The thought that I might not be able to play anymore."
"I think I was concerned I wasn’t going to wake up the next morning. The pain was so great I broke down at times. I questioned God and asked why me? Went back through my whole life and wondered what I did wrong? My surgery day came to remove the tumor/liver and I felt a sense of calm due to overwhelming support and love I received from all my family, friends, and strangers."
"Waking up from surgery I felt a sense of relief but was in so much pain. I still had a long road ahead of me and a permanent scar to remind me of how lucky I am to be alive and grateful for everyone in my life. A reminder I got a second chance in my life and not to waste any second of it. I’m still fighting and will continue to fight!"
Fuck Cancer!
We’re here fighting with you as well, Brother. Thank You for your strength. As I said before, you are a warrior. With a second chance at life, live it up!
If you would like to see more of Bobby’s cinematography and music work, check out his instagram and support his journey.
Peace yall, see you on the next one.
Snap Pilot #17